Flea Control Melbourne

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    Don’t Put Up with Flea Problems

    Do you notice an increasing number of fleas around your home or office these days? Are you concerned that the fleas may endanger the health of your loved ones or pets? Get immediate help by booking professional flea treatment solutions for your property. At Pestly Pest Control Melbourne, we have several years of expertise and qualified professionals to offer the most effective flea pest control Melbourne service. We make a difference with our commitment to ensuring a hygienic, healthy environment for both residential and commercial properties of Melbourne.

    Further, we offer tailored professional flea management services for our customers based on the flea type, the level of infestation, and other factors.

    Why are We the Best Professional Flea Management company in Melbourne?

    An individual can observe fleas anywhere; even from your garden. Their victim animals are warm-blooded to feast upon. If a flea bites a human it can cause irritation and discomfort, however, fleas biting your pets can be worse. A flea bite is a red or brown mark, which is less swollen as compared to other insect bites, in humans. The three most popular types of fleas are Cat fleas, Dog Fleas, and Human fleas. Dog Fleas will look only for dogs and rabbits; the Cat Fleas may infect cats, dogs, and a few other animals; whereas human fleas are uncommon compared to dog fleas and cat fleas, and usually attack pigs, rats, mice, several other mammals, and birds.

    At Pestly Pest Control Melbourne, our expert team helps protect you and your pets from flea bites by providing Flea Pest Control Melbourne services. It is always best to hire our professionals to get rid of flea infestation. We are the best flea control company in Melbourne, offering you complete treatment and removal of fleas from your homes and your pets. Our certified and qualified pest technicians have vast experience in treating different types of flea species through biodegradable methods. Give us a call and let us deliver your respective Flea Pest Control Melbourne service accordingly.

    Here are our few specialties that set us apart from our competitors:

    • Availability 24×7
    • Satisfactory service
    • Possible threats caused by fleas
    • Inspection cameras endoscope
    • Environmental solutions
    • Same-day flea control Melbourne service

    Method to undergo Flea Pest Control in your Melbourne Property:

    At Pestly Pest Control Melbourne, with our qualified and accredited experts all over Australia, we offer relatively similar-day service. Our professionals guarantee that flea removal can be performed reliably and efficiently only by a professional flea exterminator services. We’re addressing our work process here:


    Whenever you see an increasing number of fleas in your surroundings day-by-day, contact the best Flea Control Melbourne experts now for help. Our experts will perform a full inspection of your property and pets before handling the fleas. This search will assist to know the nature of the infestation and surrounding occupied by fleas. Some other origin, which encourages fleas in your residential and business places, is also studied by our specialists.

    Plan of treatment:

    Our professionals regulate the appropriate treatment designed to handle the fleas after the evaluation is complete. Also, if you wish to we can even offer a tailored flea pest control Melbourne service on the same booking day. Before beginning the control service, we explain a complete plan to our clients and help you get rid of fleas for your family’s and your pets’ safety.

    Why Hire Professional Flea Management in Melbourne?

    Pestly Pest Control Melbourne helps to prevent fleas with Flea Control Melbourne. Below are some methods that we perform to prevent it.

    Our experts vacuum carpets, cracks, rooms, crevices, and furniture with upholstery.

    Create a temperature of 50-degree centigrade or even above to kill fleas and bugs, especially in places where they breed.

    While disposing of the vacuum packet outside and away from your home.

    We make use of a very effective eco-friendly treatment is to kill fleas to ensure your and your family’s safety. Also, we effectively dehydrate fleas’ bodies and destroying them at once.

    To avail of services, get in touch with us. Our expert team will help you provide services of pest and flea pest control in Melbourne at affordable prices.

    How to Know a Flea Infestation?

    Look for flea droppings, which may be red or black, either on floors, carpets, mattresses, or sitting areas. If you notice small dirt-like particles, take those in wet tissue and observe if there are rings of blood.

    If you have pets like cats and dogs; then remember- fleas bite cats around the neck and head, whereas, fleas bite dogs at their hind portion of the body.

    Also, you must look if there are any pupae, larvae, and eggs in your garden and all the areas your pet leaves its mark.

    Get into combating the problem immediately once you get to know a flea infestation. Flea control and removal is a difficult task. It becomes challenging as the adult fleas are very small in size and can endure without eating for days. Hence, before it’s too late hired a professional Flea Pest Control Melbourne service provider. Along with flea control, we are also experts in performing rodent control, spider control and wasp control. Call us to know more about our services.


    1. At what places fleas are seen?

    Fleas are mostly observed in areas that are warm and humid.

    2. What causes due to presence of fleas?

    Fleas can cause diseases such as cat scratching, tapeworms, and other health threats.

    3. How can I decrease the number of fleas in my office?

    In order to decrease the number of fleas in your office, you must do regular vacuuming of your office. This will help to control the flea population around your office premises.
    4. My cat seems to have fleas, can you help?

    Yes, of course, Pestly Pest Control Melbourne is happy to serve you. We will provide a professional treatment to your cat to make sure a complete flea removal from your pet’s body. Also, your cat will stop scratching. Call us at 0480018318 today and ask for a free quote.

    5. Is your flea pest control Melbourne service safe for my pets and family?

    We know that pesticides can be dangerous when not applied correctly and not in accordance with the product label directions. But don’t worry! By engaging us you are assured that a licensed pest control technician will carry out treatment only with non-toxic and customer-friendly solutions and methods. Once you book our services your family and pets are in safe hands

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